I am so Thankful we Love living The Simple side of life. Life is more laid back, less stress, you have time to do what you really want to do from day to day. Enjoy each moment to the fullest!I know this lifestyle is not for everyone but for us it's the best life! "The Good Life"
Through out the years ,we have friends who call and come out to destress and relax,and Love it here. We also have friends who tells us your lifestyle is not for me. I couldn't handle the quiteness of where you live.We only live a mile off the main Hwy. and 1/2 mile from the city limits but so private some people on our St. doesn't even know we're here. We've even had a few tell us "If I ever won the Lottery, I'd move ya'll to the city" lol Often we wondered why can't they see the Love we share for each other , and the Joy a Simple life brings us. We also know our choice to live The Simple Life is NOT for everyone.
Now that the economy has made a turn for the worse , some of these same friends has come to us for advice on how to start living a more simple life. I would never try to force our Lifestyle on anyone. You have to have a Love and desire to live simple, what works for one doesn't work for everyone. To us it gives us freedom to do what we want, it's less stressful, you don't have to keep up with anyone ,just live life as you really want it. I know what goes into all our food ,I make my cleaning products and know I'm not using harmful supplies and know whats in each one. Etc. We recycle, reuse. Its been a way of life even before we knew about recycling and reusing.
We are human and have our share of troubles and trials ,but we wouldn't trade our way of life .We Love living here where gens. before me lived off this land. And a new gen. coming up learning our way of life.
Do you live the Simple life? What do you enjoy about it?
I hope ya'll have a great day!
Hey Lib!!!!
I've been missing you something awfull. I am so glad your back on the bloggy world.
I want to follow your blog but it said I am blocked?
Please let me know if I will be allowed to follow your blog?
P.s. did you get any of the emails that I sent to you over the last little while, when your computer was...sick.? Just wondering.
Love Ya',
We are learning to love the simple life - and the more we do the more we enjoy it!
Hi ROnda,
I don't know why the follow my blog is blocked??? I haven't blocked it or anyone.
No emails .
Have a great day!
Hi Kris,
Don't you Love the freedom of Simple living?:o)
Have a great day!
Hi Lib, Iv'e tried everything that I know of, so that I can once again follow your blog...but to no avail. All it says is that I am blocked, and do not have permission to follow your blog??? If you know of anything else I can do on my side let me know!! please. I really do still want to follow your blog again.
Love & Prayers,
Good Morning Miz Lib,
I'm a day late,but I'm here. LOL. I was frzen inyesterdy. I alway enjoy reading how you and your Family live the simple life. Sometimes I wish me and my Family lived in the county , but not too far from town since I was raised in a asmall town. I think we try to live the simple life the best we can. WE don't have expensive or fancy things, but most of what we do have is paid for and I think tht is quite simple if you ask me. Since I've had to change my eating habits and the way I cook, I think I am still cooking in a simple way and not having anything facny that cost way too much. The economy is in bad shpe fore sure and who knows we mqay have to go back to growing our own foods and raising ou own meats like it was back in the olden days. Don't know how the kids these days would survive, but I"m sure they would learn quickly. Take care my friend and have a great day/weekeND. May GOD Bless you and yours.
karen H.
I think I live a simple life...it's just me and my 33 cats. I don't cook much since it's just me. I make homemade pizza, personal size like you will see on my recipe blog, and sandwiches and soup quite often. I do cook a big meal on Sundays if my ex and daughter come. But during the week, not much cooking going on around here! I don't enjoy cooking for just myself. I do make all of my own bread and rolls...I haven't had store-bought bread in probably a year or longer.
((( HUGS )))
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