With times being so tough ,I like to set aside time each day and reflect on things I am Thankful for.
Here's a few things I am Thankful for:
My Salvation, A Loving Home, A Peaceful Home, a Loving Church Family, Friends,Living the Simple Life, No Mortg. payments,
Living on property thats been in my Family for 5 Gens., My tap root runs deep:o), that I can work here at my own pace,work a little rest alot and sip a cup a........., To have my spring cleaning behind me, to set on the porch sipping a cup a in warm weather watching wildlife at play,no traffic to deal with,just quite laid back relaxing days, a full pantry, knowing how to cook from scratch,sewing, gardening,knowing how to can,freeze,dry our food so my Family want go hungry, picnics,watching the sunrise over the mtn. and filling our Private Paradise with its beauty.I could go on and on.
With all the bad news we hear from day to day,just take time out of your busy day and have quite time to stop and reflect on what you are Thankful for.It will make your day go better,and Our Blessings alway out numbers the bad news!
Have a great day!
Hi Lib
So glad to see you are back and things are going good for you. Yes, we all need to take time these days to see exactly what we have and how grateful for it.
Hi Lib ~ Hey, I've been missin' ya! So glad you stopped by my blog and left a comment...thank you! I totally agree with you about taking time to reflect on all that we *do* have. I think I'm also going to filter how much media I'm gonna take in...'cause I just heard this morning MORE bad news about General Motors (which would directly affect us)...I'll focus instead on God's faithfulness & provision for all of us!
Have a happy day!
Welcome back , Ms. Lib , I've missed you , glad you're back !
I've been Spring cleaning too. I'm ready to get outside and play in the dirt (lol).
~ Blessings ~
Hi Lib,
Glad to have you back. I missed you. Hope all well for you and family. Have a blessed week.
Lib, I try to make sure I count my blessings everyday. Things have been rough here too but God has given me so much to be thankful for. Have a blessed day!
Hi,Thanks for your comments!
Yes, we all have ao much to be thankful for !
I agree too much news is not a Good thing!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Welcome back!!! I have sincerely missed your posts, but you can bet I'm back to being a regular reader now!!! I see I have a little catching up to do on your blog....
Great to have you back, Lib!!!
((( HUGS )))
I'm thankful to see you back and running! Missed you hon!
Howdy Miss Lib! So good to see you posting again. I missed you! :o)
I am so blessed and I try to thank God every day for His blessings on me.
Hope you're having a good day. :o)
Love and hugs,
HI Ladies,
Thanks for your kind words!
Hope everyone has a great day!
So glad to see you back posting! We do have so much to be thankful for..
Take care!
that's a great list....
Gill in Canada
I see I had already commented on this post...so looks I am all caught up with you for the time being. I am behind as I have been stripping wallpaper in my guest bath...have to get back at it after I get those beans in the toaster oven.
((( HUGS )))
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