Here's a few clumps of Hosta's ,the last flower my Mom bought and planted . I have shared them with the other kids, and with the Grandkids. I need to divide these up .
this time of yr. I really miss my parents ,we gardened together , we did alot of things together. It's always a nice treat to see plants come up that they planted.
Hope everyone has a great wk.
spring is when I miss my parents the most. I want to talk gardening with them and show them what I have learned from them. Hugs my friend. Have a blessed week
Hi Lib! It's been a long time but I am back blogging and wanted to say hi and wish you a wonderful day!
Hi Lib..hope that you had a great Easter and that you have a wonderful week.
Funny that you would talk about your parents today... today has been 4 years since my grandma passed away... memories memories.
Lots of love to you.
It's so nice you have theses family flowers, with happy memories and it's nice you have passed them on to other family members to enjoy....hugs, Linda
They are so green and pretty. Have a blessed week.
What sweet memories you must have of your parents.
Love & prayers,
Hi Ya'll,
THanks for visiting and leaving a comment!
Have a great wk.
I have so many plants that came from family and friends... when they come back each year.. so do the memories...
I miss my Dad most during this season too , he loved gardening and tomatoes especially. I'm Blessed to still have my Mom here to garden with , we love watching everything grow.
It's wonderful that you can share the hosta with the family.
~ Spring Blessings ~
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