It's a Beautiful sunny day here, with more to come before rain sets in next wk.
I have all the chores finished .All I need to do today is cook,and I have the crockpot working for me:o)
Today will be a simple day to relax and sip a cup a.........
Want you join me for a cup a......... and a relaxing day? :o)
Hope you have a great day!
Hi Lib,
Yes, it's really me. I can't even begin to catch you up on what all is happening to me and I won't try here. This box is too little!! :)
I just wanted to stop by and let you know I'm still alive. I was looking back through your posts and the one with the kilt lettuce and onions made my mouth water!! I have actually had one mess this spring that Dave brought in from the flea market. Not bad but it must have been a hot house kind or something!
The weather is beautiful here today but I have lots to do. Even so, I'm going to take time to sit on the porch for a while and smell the lilacs!!
I'll email soon and let you know what all has been going on.
Love and Hugs,
I have a great crock pot recipe for beef tips over on my blog...I cook it all day and they are so tender...Hubby likes them over rice. Easy clean up too ;D
As the weather warms...slowwwwwwwwly...I find myself hankerin' for ice tea with lemon and a BLT sandwich...LOL!
Hi Hope,
Great to hear from you!;o)
Miz. Karen & I have been wondering how you are doing.
I look forward to your email:o)
Have a great day!
Love,Hugs, Blessins',Lib
Hi Tammy,
I'll have to check out your recipe.Sounds good.
I love lemon iced t and BLT's.
Have a great day!
I would love to pop by for a cup of tea and a shortbread biscuit.....
Gill in Canada
Hi Gill,
That sounds wonderful!:o)
Have a great wk.end!
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