You don't have to do it all at once just a few steps at a time will make a difference.We all must do our part.
Using cloth bags , less water, less electric, walk more drive less, reuse,reduce, recycle.make do with what you have. Learn to darn. Shop thrift shops and yard sales ,2nd hand furniture stores whenever possible. these are only a very few things.Hang laundry to dry when possible, make your own cleaning supplies recycle bottles, cans, paper etc. .Theres many more things we can all do.
What are something you do to make a difference? I would love to hear about it!
Have a great day!
Hi Lib
I know it's not much, but I take all my plastic and paper grocery bags to the mission and the food bank for them to use. We put an insulator jacket on the water heater(what a difference!)Insulating the attic is next. We use the energy saving light bulbs where possible.
Hi Lisa,
Every little bit counts:o)
Hope you're having a great day!
We are doing just little steps at a time too!
We recycle and reuse things as much as possible and I am trying to remember to either use paper bags or remember to take my cloth bags to the grocery store!
Happy Earth Day to you too! =)
Happy Earth Day, dear Lib:-) I'm always recycling, reusing and such on a daily basis but I know there is still room for improvement! When I go to the grocery store today I will buy a couple of their cloth bags so that I will no longer need plastic or paper bags to bring my groceries home. I wish I could go out today and work in my flowerbeds but it's raining and cold yet again. Supposed to be sunny and warmer the next few days, though, so things are looking up:-) xoxo
Well...I got a few supplies just now at the store...I may try to make the homemade laundry powder to see if it will help my suddenlty sensitive skin. The cost of these things are shooting sky high! I try to reuse as much as possible and I'm the light police at my house...walking around behind Hubby turning off lights ;D
Thanks for stopping by and leaving me the info about the Dandilion Jelly!
I am suppose to be away from blogging darning socks, etc.
Darning isn't that hard to do
and kind of fun, I think.
I recycle water, plus recycle
and some of the things you've mentioned.
I can't hang cloths outside but
we do hang cloths inside. We live in an apartment at the moment.
I walk to the store that is close.
God Bless You and Yours!!!
I recycle what I can. Wish we were allowed to have clotheslines here, but we aren't. I love line-dried clothes!!! I always put my things that would require pressing in the dryer for a few minutes and then hang them on hangers and take outside to dry....That way, they required no ironing at all! I reuse my grocery bags for trash bags and to line my litter scooping pails! LOL
If everyone would just do a little, what a difference it could, AND WOULD, make!
((( HUGS )))
well we are having an energy audit done on our new house next month, to see where we can save energy. Although it costs $315, we get half of that money back from the government.
I use a toaster oven whenever I can instead of the main oven on the stove to save on energy.
I of course hang out my laundry whenever possible, and when I can't I put it on the indoor clothes dryer/clothes horse to dry overnight.
As you say every little thing counts.....
Gill in Canada
Composting and Gardening are two more ways to help Mother Earth. I compost egg shells , grass , leaves , veggie peelings , everything we sweep or vacum up from the floor , chicken and rabbit poop.
Buying local and gardening = less fuel usage and packaging.
Happy Earth Day !
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!:o)
I enjoyed reading how you help Mama Earth! Great idea's:o)
Hope ya'll have a great day!
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