Outdoor work , Meals eaten on the porch, watching birds come to the feeders to eat, frogs, and birds,chickens, goats is about all we hear around here. Had aGreat day with Little shadow today:o)

Soon I hope we will be caught up with outdoor work and have time to play in fabric and sip a cup a....... on the porch.
Have a Great wk.
Such beautiful signs of Spring! I'm loving this weather. Mom has been doing some planting, I think she said she was moving some of her flowers around or something. I haven't been out there today so it is hard to say what she has been up to. She has been off work since mid-November and she is really enjoying this nice weather, I'm just afraid she will overdo it and hurt her shoulder. I think my little one is going to go out and do some digging for her so maybe that will help her.
Have a great day
and here we are still covered in snow {SIGH} one day we will see Spring.....
Gill in Canada
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